Dec 9, 2008

Poverty and Hunger Rate Reduced for Third Quarter of 2008: SWS

Lesser families see themselves as poor for the third quarter of 2008 as compared to this year's second quarter. This is according to the latest survey of Manila-based Social Weather Station (SWS).

According to the SWS survey, 52% or about 9.4 million Filipino families considered themselves as Mahirap or Poor. This is 7 points lower than the previous quarter where 59% or about 10.6 million Filipinos see themselves as being poor. (see Chart 1 below)

The survey which was conducted last September 24-27 also revealed that the number of Filipino families who experienced hunger dropped by 11 points within the third quarter. The result is based on the question: "In the last three months, did it happen even once that your family experienced hunger and not have anything to eat?" 38% of the respondents answered Yes lower than last quarter's 49%. (see Chart 2 below)

The one-quarter decline in Self-Rated Poverty was steepest in Mindanao. It fell by 16 points, from 68% last June to 52% in September. For the first time since SWS began regular monitoring in 1988, Self-Rated Food Poverty is lowest in Mindanao compared to other areas.

The survey was conducted during the time when oil prices had been declining. But according to the survey, the drop in self-rated poverty may not be because of an improved economy but because of the lowering of the living standards of the Filipino families or "belt tightening." Despite the rising inflation rate and the dwindling purchasing power of the Peso, most Filipino families were able to cope by maintaining or even reducing the perceived amount needed to satisfy their needs. SWS reported that most Filipino families today sufficed themselves with the level of budgeting the same as 20 years ago. (see Chart 6 below)

The following video is about hope for the poor in the Philippines

The Philippine Insider is not in any way associated with the organizations mentioned in this post including that in the video.

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