Dec 14, 2008

Nograles Urges Participation of LGUs on Cha-Cha Issue

Writer: Gil Bugaoisan
Philippine Congress-House of Representatives

SPEAKER Prospero C. Nograles has called on all local government units in the country to actively participate in the raging debate relative to the proposed amendments to the Constitution.

"As the Speaker, the House will greatly appreciate receiving formal written resolutions from the provincial, city and municipal councils expressing their sentiments on whether Congress should continue or put to a halt efforts to amend the Constitution" Nograles said.

The Speaker issued the reaction even as he also stressed that the anti-charter change rally that was held in Makati over the weekend was "not enough to really determine what are the real sentiments of the people throughout the country."

"Since the rally was organized by those opposing Charter change, therefore all those who attended the same are one in their opinion and belief," he continued.

He stressed that the active participation of all local government units through their respective councils will greatly help members of Congress in arriving at a common and collective decision.

"That way, the leadership will be guided by countrywide sentiments and not merely be influenced by demonstrations confined only in Makati City and Metro Manila," he explained.

"There is a huge possibility that those in the provinces and country side do not share the same sentiments with that of those in Makati City," he added.

Nograles pointed out that the issue should best be resolved not through emotional speeches and name calling but through a thorough consultation and intelligent discussions and debates.

"Rallies such as those in Makati are good avenues to express your opinions but it would be better if debates are being held in proper venues such as in the halls of Congress for us to really determine on what is best and good for the country and the people," Nograles noted.

He reiterated that debates are important in as much "in the end it is still Congress that will decide the fate of the Constitution".

"Only senators and congressmen are empowered to initiate changes in the charter and no amount of protest rallies can decide whether the Constitution will be amended or not," Nograles concluded.

The following is a video of the Anti-Cha-Cha rally last December 12, 2008.

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