Dec 23, 2008

Majority of Filipinos Still Expect a Happy Christmas this 2008

Three out of five of adult Filipinos (63%) expect a happy Christmas in 2008, compared to only 8% who expect it to be sad, according to the latest Social Weather Survey of November 28-December 1, 2008. Twenty-seven percent say it will be neither happy nor sad.

The November 2008 survey also found that lechon baboy/baka, salads, and spaghetti and pasta dishes, and ham are the most anticipated foods this Christmas, and most Filipinos consider money/extra income, family and clothing as the best Christmas gifts they ever received.

Happiness with Christmas Unchanged for 5 Years

Expectations of a happy Christmas have been unchanged since 2004. The 63% expecting a happy 2008 Christmas is similar to the 64% posted in 2007, 62% in both 2006 and 2005, and also 64% in 2004.

When SWS first surveyed expectations about Christmas-to-come in the Fourth Quarter of 2002, 82% expected a happy Christmas. The percentage dropped only slightly to 77% in 2003, and then fell to the sixties afterwards.

Most anticipated foods for Christmas
When asked, "What is the one food or dish that you most look forward to eating this coming Christmas?" the top responses are lechon baboy/baka (14%), salads such as fruit salads and macaroni salads (12%), spaghetti and other pasta dishes (12%), and ham (10%).

Ham (16%) tops the list of most anticipated foods for Christmas in Metro Manila, while spaghetti and other pasta dishes (15%) are the most anticipated Christmas foods in Balance Luzon.

In Visayas (17%) and Mindanao (17%), lechon baboy/baka is the most anticipated food this Christmas season.

Lechon baboy/baka and salads are the most anticipated foods for Christmas by both classes ABC and D. Among the class E, they also look forward to eat lechon baboy/baka, salads, spaghetti and other pasta dishes and pancit/palabok.

Best Christmas Gift Ever Received
Money/extra income (14%), family (13%) and clothing (13%) are tied as the best Christmas gift ever received by the respondents.

These are followed by good health (8%), personal belongings (4%), food (3%), household amenities (2%), a new child in the family (2%), job/livelihood (2%), and, love and affection (2%).

Money/extra income (22%) is the best Christmas gift ever received by Metro Manila respondents , while it is family among those from Balance Luzon (18%).

In Visayas, the best Christmas gifts ever received are: money/extra income (15%), good health (15%) and clothing (13%). In Mindanao, most consider clothing (15%) and good health (11%) as the best gifts they ever received.

By class, money/income and family are the top responses among classes ABC (17-20%) and E (14-16%), whereas clothing (15%) is the top answer among class E.

Happiness with Christmas by Area
Expectations of a happy Christmas are higher in Visayas (70%) and Mindanao (70%), than in Balance Luzon (59%) and Metro Manila (55%).

Those expecting a happy Christmas in Mindanao slightly rebounded to 70% in 2008, after declining to 66% in 2007 from 70% in 2006.

Compared with last year, happiness with Christmas in Metro Manila remained at 55% in 2008. Similarly, the 70% in Visayas who are anticipating a happy 2008 Christmas is about the same as the 68% posted in 2007.

In Balance Luzon, expectations of a happy Christmas declined by 6 points, from 65% in 2007 to 59% in 2008.

Happiness with Christmas by Class Expectations of a happy Christmas is higher among upper to middle classes ABC (71%) than among the very poor class E (65%) and masa class D (61%).

Among classes ABC, those expecting a happy Christmas rebounded to 71% in 2008, after declining to 64% in 2007 from 69% in 2006.

Those expecting a happy Christmas among class D slightly declined from 64% in 2007 to 61% in 2008.

The 65% of class E who are expecting a happy 2008 Christmas is similar to the 64% recorded in the previous year.

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