Dec 1, 2008

76% of Filipinos Say ‘Joc-Joc’ Lying: The Center

A recent survey showed that 76 percent of Filipinos do not believe that former Agriculture Undersecretary Jocelyn “Joc-Joc” Bolante is telling the truth about the so-called fertilizer-fund scam and fear that the Congressional investigations would amount to nothing.

These were the results of the survey Pulso ng Pilipino (Pulse of the Filipino) conducted by The Issues and Advocacy Center, center director Ed Malay said Sunday in a weekly media forum. He is also a political adviser of former President Fidel Ramos and is a member of the World Association for Public Opinion Research.

The survey polled 1,200 respondents using face-to-face interview of adult voters nationwide from November 17 to 20.

Also, 83 percent of the respondents said they believe the First Couple is involved in the scam, and only 17 percent do not believe the allegations.

The survey also showed that 60 percent suspect that Agriculture Arthur Yap is linked to the alleged scam, while 36 percent does not think that he is connected to the issue.

About 44 percent said former Agriculture Secretary Luis Lorenzo Jr., who was chief of the Agriculture department when the alleged scam took place, is also connected to the issue. Only 43 percent said they believe otherwise.

In the same survey, 66 percent said the ongoing investigation into the alleged scam would lead nowhere, as “the Senate and House of Representatives are filled with pro-administration solons.”

The survey has a plus or minus 3 percent margin error.

Bolante is tagged as the “architect” of the fertilizer scam, which allegedly diverted P728-million to the 2004 campaign of President Gloria Arroyo from funds intended to buy fertilizers for farmers. Bolante has denied the charges, and remains in custody of the Senate, which is investigating the issue.

This report is by Ruben D. Manahan, 4th Reporter of the The Manila Times Video by YouTube

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